
Tanzania to open renewable energy technology training centre

30 May 2017

Plans are underway to open a renewable energy technology training centre in Tanzania after a study indicating that renewable energy, chiefly solar, is taking over rural parts of the country.

The director of the Innovative Technology and Energy Centre (ITEC), Dr Herb Rhee, has annoinced plans to open a training centre for renewable energy technology in Arusha, Tanzania.

Dr Rhee said the renewable energy technology centre will open doors in August this year, and will have the capability to train 1,000 students annually.

“The centre will be located at the Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology in Arusha. Also, we have opened two smaller centres at Karatu and Dodoma,” he said.

He said they have now trained 300 students from different secondary schools and 200 primary and secondary school teachers in Arusha on Information and Communication Technology (ICT), to boost energy and power experts in pastoral regions.

CEO for E3 Empower, Ji-Young Rhee, said: “Through our project, we will be able to supply electricity to pastoral regions,” Rhee stated.

Last month, the National Bureau of Statistics and the Rural Energy Agency issued the Energy Access Situation Report, 2016 Tanzania Mainland, which showed that solar power in countryside regions is leading by almost 65% with only 34.5% of grid-connected power.

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