
Tanzanian gas pipeline project complete by mid-year

13 February 2015

The 542-km natural gas pipeline under construction in Tanzania, from Madinda in Mtwara to Dar es Salaam is now 99% complete, with the project expected to be done by July 1 this year according to Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) Plant Manager, Mr Leonee Mroso.

The new gas pipeline is anticipated to transport a maximum of 784 m standard cubic feet daily. The volume can generate over 2,000 MW of electricity, including the 300-MW plant at Mnazi Bay.

Mroso added that this is a very positive initiative for the country as it will enable reliable electricity supply, expansion, and increase of industrial production, cleaner environment and job creation. It will save the country 1.6 trillion/ per year spent on fuel importation to produce power.

Remaining work included constructing receiving stations at Kinyerezi and Tegeta in Dar es Salaam and installating 16 valve stations to connect gas pipelines in Mtwara, Lindi and Mkuranga for industrial and domestic uses.

The gas pipeline construction project will also help Tanzania fulfill some goals of the Tanzania Development Vision 2025.


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