
Toll freeways, build more Gautrain links and reinvent PRASA, says

28 February 2017

Gauteng-based transport economist Andrew Marsay detailed his vision for a high-density, high-value public transportsystem in South Africa, delivered in a presentation at the i-Transport and UATP conference, held in Sandton. 

He said only higher quality modes such as modern regional rail (like Gautrain) have a strong enough impact on travel patterns and spatial development trends to achieve the beneficial impact of improved accessibility to the modern economy.

Even though the cost is higher, the benefit equation is much better than investing in existing modes that do not achieve this purpose.

Untolled freeways encourage the use of cars and also consolidate low-density development patterns that, in the long-term, reduce urban economic efficiency.

They also divert public money that could otherwise be spent on new, improved high quality public transport systems

Another weak point is the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA because it tends to prioritise capital spending over operational efficiency improvements. It is investing in rolling stock and infrastructure improvements, but ignoring the reality that its inefficient, nonmarket-oriented operating model is seeing commuter rail’s market share bleed away. 

But, with careful choices a much brighter urban future could be achieved. This will require:

• Proactive engagement between provincial and metropolitan transport authorities to determine which transport modes are the best catalysts for such a future – and which are merely supportive of incremental development.
• PRASA to invite international best practice assistance with operations management.
• Revisiting the metropolitan freeway tolling issue within the broader context of integrated transport planning, with explicit links between toll compliance levels and public transport funding.

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