
Transport planning key to meet infrastructure objectives – Minister

12 December 2014

In an effort to accelerate transport planning in South Africa, Minister of Transport Dipuo Peters officially launched the National Transport Forum (NTF) and Transport Sector Broad-Based Black Economic-Empowerment (BBBEE) Charter Council in Johannesburg on Thursday.

“The key objective of the forum is to enable the development of a transport system that seeks out better integration and investment, supports a strong economy and meets our transport infrastructure objectives. The forum should, therefore, set out the future of our transport network as well as the balance between a competitive economy and social inclusion. It should also give us the opportunity to deliver a pro-national growth agenda for transport in the short, medium to long term,” said Peters.

The NTF would comprise skilled and experienced members from local and international public and private sectors.
The forum would allow for the sharing of best practices and deliver on the vision contained in the National Development Plan, as well as facilitate investment through a funding framework that would fast-track the expansion of the country’s transport network.

Deputy Transport Minister Sindisiwe Chikunga said at the launch that by 2030 South Africans should be able to enjoy an integrated transport system, a transformed transport sector, world-class infrastructure and increased connectivity.

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