On Jan.22-25, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited Tanzania, Mozambique and Madagascar as part of Turkey’s “opening to Africa” policy started in 2005, which seeks to expand and deepen Turkey’s relations with the African continent.
Over the last decade as prime minister and then as president, Erdoğan has paid more than 30 visits to 23 African countries. Turkey expanded its diplomatic presence in Africa from 12 embassies in 2004 to 39 in 2016.The Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) has 16 offices in Africa, doing hundreds of projects around the continent and Turkish NGOs and aid organisations are also actively helping the needy.
A decade ago, Turkey’s total trade with Africa was less than $3 billion. Today, the trade volume has exceeded $25 billion. Turkish Airlines flies to about 40 points in more than 30 African countries – more than any other international airline in the world.
Over 30 African countries have diplomatic missions in Turkey. More than 5,000 students from African nations have studied in Turkey with full scholarships.
Turkey follows a “win-win policy” in Africa by focusing on political equality and mutual economic development. It seeks to help African nations in their policy of “African solutions to African problems.” To this end, Turkey is implementing continent-wide programs to train African students and civil servants in various fields and provide assistance in ways that will empower African nations.
African nations have responded to Turkey’s win-win policy and high-level visits have increased in recent years. Turkish companies are undertaking major projects such as the 2,000-kilometer railroad project in Tanzania, building affordable social housing in Mozambique, building power plants in Madagascar, producing everything from cement and clothes to electronics in African countries, thus employing thousands of Africans in their own countries.
It is as part of this approach that Turkey asks African countries to disallow the subversive activities of Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) individuals and institutions in their countries.