
Unit 5 of Medupi Power Station attains commercial operation status

12 April 2017

Eskom has announced that Unit 5 at its Medupi Power Station Project in Lephalale, Limpopo, has finally achieved commercial operation status.

Operating ahead of plan, theutilitysaid the unit was formally confirmed commercial after the completion of control performance and the 72-hour dependability tests, putting all performance warranties to effect.

The parastatal remarked: “Unit 5 was first synchronised to the national grid on 8 September 2016. This was then ensued by additional analysis and optimising which lead to its complete power of 800MW being accomplished on 17 December 2016.” It added that this break-through came ahead of the planned timeline of March 2018.”

With a production of 800MW going to the national grid, Unit 5 joined its sister unit, Unit 6, which has been adding to the balancing of electricity supply and demand since 23 August 2015.

Matshela Koko, interim group chief executive, said: “The Eskom new build programme is intended for reinforcing the electricity supply, Medupi with its second unit coming online, is a reflection of the undertakings towards realising this enterprise.”

Commercial operation status guarantees technical compliance to statutory, safety and legal requirements.

The African Development Bank loaned $500 million for the project in 2008. In 2010, the World Bank granted to loan South Africa $3.75 billion to help with numerous energy projects, with $3.05 billion allotted for completion of the Medupi power station.

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