
US$ 110.54bn loan secured for Kenyan highway

11 September 2014

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has given Kenya a loan worth US$110.54b to construct Mombasa–Bujumbura highway that will link Kenya and Rwanda.

The road will also connect the Central Corridor to Tanzania at Moshi and cross Arusha and Singida on its way to Bujumbura.

The connection of Rwanda to the port of Mombasa through the Mombasa–Bujumbura highway will facilitate quicker movement of commodities, because, according to Burundi’s Chamber of Commerce Secretary, General Christian Nkengurutse, the Mombasa port is more efficient than the Dar port.

Contractors will be selected by end of November since the evaluation process was still ongoing, said Deusdedit Kakoko, the Tanzania Roads network Agency’s Arusha regional manager
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