Top industry analyst, Elsie Snyman, gives her predictions for the South African construction industry in 2013. She analyses the current state of play and looks at what needs to happen to encourage growth and investment in the year ahead and whether we can achieve it. Don’t miss her interview on Concrete.TV.
More about Industry Insight and Elsie Snyman:
Industry Insight (Pty) Ltd was established in 2001 in partnership with Databuild, a company with more than 30 years experience in providing project lead information to the construction industry. In April 2004, E C Snyman (founder of Industry Insight in 2001) purchased 100% of the shareholding. In March 2006 the company was converted to a closed corporation. Industry Insight is one of only a few companies in the country that provides primary management information services to stakeholders in the South African construction industry. Apart from utilizing official key indicators, Industry Insight has developed a unique time-series database of projects, in association with Databuild, used in conjunction with other official building statistics, to monitor construction activity in the country. Through the development of this “Project Database”, Industry Insight is the only company in the country that can provide spatial analysis of new building stock in the country. Our key function is to provide clients with the necessary marketing and strategic tools to operate effectively, efficiently and proactively in the construction industry.
Source: http://www.industryinsight.co.za/about.htm